Transform Your Life with Dr. Kelly's Customized Wellness Program

Dr. Kelly’s Wellness Program in San Diego helps you take control of your health with a comprehensive health profile including sex hormones, adrenals, thyroid, CBC, chemistry panel, and cardiac risk assessment.

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Wellness Program: A Holistic Approach to Health

Get a management on your health before your health gets a management on you with a Wellness Program designed by Dr. Kelly! Step up to the plate and be proactive in your health and well-being. I’ll help you get a comprehensive look at your health profile so that I can better assist you in your wellness program offered here in San Diego. My goal is to help you live in health and to live in happiness.

As part of the wellness profile, I like to obtain the following:

  • Sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone)
  • CBC (blood cells)
  • Thyroid (TSH, fT3, fT4)
  • Chemistry panel (lipids, glucose, liver and kidney functions, mineral balance)
  • Needing a little boost in energy?
  • Cardiac risk profile (Homocysteine, CRP)

Whether you choose to do all or part of this profile, we can develop a great wellness program or corrective measures to improve your health.

There are several other types of tests, depending on what is needed that can be ordered for patients, e.g. additional blood tests, food allergy testing, nutritional assessment, neurotransmitters, etc.

Balancing Lifestyle for Optimal Health

As part of the Wellness Program, it is important to look at your lifestyle choices e.g. your diet, exercise program, do you smoke or drink alcohol, ways of relaxing or how you handle conflict or stress. Furthermore, the above choices may be driven by or are affecting one’s psycho / social / spiritual / emotional areas of your life. It is by recognizing the importance of all these areas of health and keeping them in balance does one have a positive and holistic approach to life, and thus, able to maximize his or her potential.

I will be your biggest advocate in helping you achieve this wellness program. Or if you already have one, I’ll be happy to review it with you and see if any changes need to be made. Whether it be developing a better diet, a weight loss program or exercise regime, a meditation program, etc. I will be honored to work closely with you so this can be achieved. Lastly, often times more than one practitioner is involved as there are so many facets in this wellness program and each practitioner will have their expertise. It would be wonderful work closely with each practitioner to make this the perfect wellness program for you.

Choosing Health and Happiness for Yourself and Those You Love

Your health and happiness has a strong impact on the health and happiness of others. So, do this not just for you but also for those around you too! This is not some ancient Chinese secret to stay healthy. The secret is not in medical care but in consistent self-care and self love in which your choices can promote better health and an improved quality of life.

Book A Consultation (760) 533 - 2883