Radiation Safety

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Radiation Safety
March 18, 2023

Because I’ve recently received several emails/phone calls regarding concerns of potential radiation
exposure, I’ve written this week’s blog to give you tips on ways to proactively protect yourself. First of
all, I want to reiterate what has been repeated by the media, “It is important to be prepared but not
The best product for protection from radiation exposure to the thyroid is potassium iodide (KI). In
times of emergency, if one saturates the body with KI, the thyroid and the body cannot absorb
radioactive iodine if the tissues are saturated with healthy iodine. One would take the therapeutic
dosage of KI of 130mg only when there is radiation exposure at a massive scale. It is not to be taken
prophylactically but to be taken for confirmed exposure to very high radiation levels. Reason for this
is there could be several potential side-effects, especially if one is allergic to iodine, have thyroid
condition or taking thyroid medications.
However, it is safe to take KI at much smaller dosages to help maintain iodide levels in the body.
According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a physician and International expert on iodine supplementation,
“Consumption of iodine containing foods – up to 3mg/day (3,000 mcg) through supplementation is
reasonable. The best way to be proactive is to start adding foods into your diet that are very high in
iodine”. Here’s a list of some foods (for more info go to the website listed below):
· Kelp (sea vegetable)
· Chlorella / Spirulina*
· Yogurt (low-fat)
· Cow’s milk (2%)
· Egg (whole, boiled)
· Strawberries
· Seaweed, including Kombu
· Sardine and mackerel
· Baking Soda**

  • Spirulina and chlorella were were used by the Russians after the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster
    ** Old military manuals suggest taking sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) to help alkalinize the urine
    if ever exposed to uranium exposure.
    Besides iodine, one of the few things which will actively protect the thyroid from longer term
    exposure to radiation is the body’s most powerful anti-oxidant – Glutathione. The thyroid requires
    glutathione, which is a combination of three amino acids (glycine, glutamine, cysteine) for it to work
    properly. Because of the size of the Glutathione molecule, it is not efficiently absorbed (body has to
    Kim D. Kelly, ND, MPH
    break it down to allow it to pass through the small intestines into the blood stream and then
    reconstitute it back into it’s three parts. As an alternative, one could just take the three individual
    amino acids. Another option, which is the best, is to take glutathione intravenously. This is a simple
    one to two minute procedure which I do in my office.
    Along with Glutathione, it is important to take your vitamins and minerals, especially your Bvitamins,
    Vitamin C, selenium, magnesium and zinc. Not only do they assist in working with the
    glutathione, but it is important for immune support, detoxification, adrenal support, neurovascular
    support and many more. For those who wish to come to my office, I do what’s called a Myer’s
    Cocktail Intravenous Push, which is a combination of Vitamins C, the B-vitamins, magnesium,
    selenium, zinc and trace minerals. It is a 10-15 minute intravenous push.
    An ideal protocol in receiving both the Glutathione and Myer’s Cocktail Intravenous Push would be
    once per month as maintenance. For those who are under tremendous amounts of stress, coming
    down with cold/flu or needing extra nutritional support, then once per week until conditions improve.
    Let’s all continue to send out our good thoughts and prayers to all those affected by the Japanese
    Earthquake and Tsunami as well as for peace and harmony for all beings!
    Dr. Kim Kelly
    Naturopathic Doctor
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21262066 – safe iodine dosage and thyroid function
  • http://emergency.cdc.gov/radiation/ki.asp – Radiation Preparedness by the CDC:
  • http://www.iodine4health.com/research/iodine_in_food_table.htm – food sources containing iodine
  • http://www.ithyroid.com/glutathione.htm – Glutathione and thyroid function
  • C. Suberville et al. Glutathione deficiency and peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones during
    dietary cysteine deprivation in rats. British Journal of Nutrition (1988), 59, 451-456 (http://
    Links to monitor radiation levels in the USA:
  • http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-radiation-monitoring-from-westla#
    radiation-station/&medium=7558036 – link to watch live streaming geiger counter in Los
    Angeles, California
  • http://www.radiationnetwork.com/ – link for national radiation monitoring
  • http://www.blackcatsystems.com/RadMap/map.html – link for national radiation monitoring

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